In 2018, after developing an animated short for Sony Pictures Animation, a group of young artists decided to continue working with each other in the form of their own studio,
Toon Therapy.
With backgrounds in accomplished studios,
Toon Therapy takes what they have learned to push the bounds of story telling and animation.
Cassady Blake-Christo
Currently in production at Marvel Studios Animation, Cassady has had his hands in storyboarding, animation, and production. His skills lay in character driven story telling with interests in action adventure and comedy. Cassady helps bring fresh new ideas to all productions he works on through captivating visual and written art.
David Moongeeuh
Having created projects for Sony, Mitú, and Buzzfeed, David is an accomplished story teller in the field of writing and directing. With a proven track record in episodic directing, marketing, and content creation, David's affinity for stories told through comedy, and pulled from real life accounts has made him an asset to all productions he has been a part of.
Daniela Rodriguez de la Peña
Daniela is a renowned storyboard artist and director. Having been at Nickelodeon Animation since 2018, her process of storytelling has afforded her to work on productions ranging from preschool to young adult shows. A true collaborator, her keen eye for visual story telling has kept her at the top of many fields.
Joel Zamudio
The backbone of design, Joel's skills have earned him top positions with Disney TV Animation, 6 Point Harness, and Shadow Machine. An observer of anything and everything, he has the ability to caricature real life and put it down on paper and screen for all to enjoy. Between Background, Prop, and Character, Joel's designs are what help define the look of shows.